If someone uses this software, aren’t they by definition the least likely to be able to use the information? Even I realize there are some times when you should put the Pocket PC away…

Well, I was dropping off a server last night, and some asshole smashed the driver’s side window on my car. I LOVE my car. Fucking prick. I’ll never know who it was, or why they did it. Nothing was stolen, but I’ll quote the great MC Ren to say what...

My random celebrity sighting for last night. I’m sure many women would be far more impressed than I was.

In honor of the Olympics coming to a close, go check out the official Carl Lewis website. Go to “Fun with Carl” and click on “Carl Sings”. Just do it. Go now. You can thank me later. And since I’m pointing out former athletes, go check...

I had a good time at The Well last night in Covina. Eddie Jarvis always runs really fun rooms. I actually got heckled by the bar regular heckler, and I dealt with him really well. That’s the first time I’ve felt like I really used heckling as an addition...