If you ever feel like you have no friends, just remember that guy. He was the definition of someone with no friends.Drop the chalupa.Duct tape is like the force- it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.”It was a very stupid thing to...

While I rarely get serious on here, go check this out. Then go see this accurate depiction of the man occupying the White House.

OK, lesson learned here- Zambians are fucked up. I’m sorry if I offend my large Zambian readership, but seriously- you guys are a mess. You might have Victoria Falls and the finals of the World’s Strongest Man contest to boast about, but sex with a...

While everyone is busy talking about how much they love Reagan, let’s not forget that along with being the worst president of my lifetime, he’s an adulterer who spent the country into the ground. I regret going along with my 2nd grade class when we sent...

Way to go, Bill Cosby I love this statement, “People putting their clothes on backward: Isn’t that a sign of something gone wrong?” Yeah, but “Jump” is still a kickass song.Oh, and we’re down to less than a week….