The ReRun tribute last night went well. We even got to see Dante cry- what a pussy. We also got to hear Dixon Mathews roast Fred- perhaps he didn’t realize it was a tribute show and not a “make fun of the dead guy” show. Tonight I’ll be at the...

OK, Joe Schmo kicks ass- I can’t believe I watched the whole marathon today. I now am flattered when people say I look like and act like The Hutch. One bit of Hutch trivia- he went to Carnegie Mellon University (and we were actually there at the same time). I...

I met Carlos Mencia on Monday night- too bad my roommate acted like a schoolgirl meeting a Backstreet Boy.

Sad news today- Fred “ReRun” Berry passed away in his sleep. We’re going to do a tribute show next Tuesday in his honor. He was always a great guy, and I’m glad I got to know him the past few months. Hey hey hey!

“I win again! You are player number 9 to have chosen Pol Pot from Cambodia. I knew you were Pol Pot from Cambodia from the start, but I strung you along for a while to make it seem more sporting. I hope that one day you will overcome the powerful sense of...