by funnymatt | May 26, 2005 | Uncategorized
Sally O’Malley: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Sally O’Malley. I’m proud to say I’m fifty years old, I’m not one of those gals who likes to hide her age. And I like to kick! [ kicks ] Stretch! [ stretches ] And kick! [ kicks ] I’m...
by funnymatt | May 25, 2005 | Uncategorized
Can you beat my high score?
by funnymatt | May 16, 2005 | Uncategorized
My only thoughts on the runaway bride from Georgia, Jennifer Wilbanks…
by funnymatt | May 13, 2005 | Uncategorized
Someone asked me to answer some questions about doing comedy for a school project, so I thought I’d post the questions and answers here since I’m a narcissistic bastard. Oh, and before you send me an e-mail to tell me that no one cares, believe me, I...
by funnymatt | May 10, 2005 | Uncategorized
I’ve been asked recently by two people what it takes to get hired in radio, so I thought I’d post this here in case anyone has the same questions.This is all my own opinions, and your mileage may vary. So take everything I say with a grain of salt. Also,...
by funnymatt | May 9, 2005 | Uncategorized
No one cares about this unless they are from Ridgecrest. But if this is the kind of stuff that goes on there, it must be a crappy place to live. Sorry Dante…