I just got back from doing a set at The Well. Eddie Jarvis runs a fun room there. I did about 10 minutes, and I did do a half of a bit and one joke, so I failed in my attempt to do NO material, but 30-45 seconds worth out of 8-10 minutes ain’t all that bad. Earlier this weekend I drove all the way to Anaheim to go to Sonic Burgers. They show commercials for them on TV all the time, and the closest one to LA is in Anaheim, with the next closest being in Bakersfield. I think they might want to rethink their ad buy until they have more places you can actually go.
Sonic is cool for a few reasons:
- They have carhops (on rollerskates!)
- They have cool drinks (all kinds of slushes and flavors to add to sodas)
- They serve their breakfast menu all day
- They have a food item called a “pancake on a stick”- this consists of a sausage on a stick, dipped in pseudo pancake batter, deep fried so it looks like a corndog. You dip it in syrup, and they’re freaking good.
I even watched an episode of Family Guy on my Pocket PC while I ate in my car. All in all, except for the Raiders sucking, this was a great weekend.