I love hypocrites, simply because it’s so fun to see them squirm when they get caught. Dante places them in the 8th Circle of Hell in his Inferno, and I hope the perpetrators of this end up roasting there with some juicy hamburgers. Mmmm, hamburgers. Loaded with bacon and cheese, and hey- even avocado, you vegans can eat that, right?
Do you like looking at pictures of meat? How about a juicy beef burger, covered in egg mayonnaise with cow fat dripping off? Perhaps some soft, meaty chunks of chicken breast in chicken stock and cream? What about a pork sausage, oozing in pig fat, fresh from the slaughterhouse? OK, let’s tone it down a little. Perhaps you like to look at egg mayonnaise potato salad, made with eggs from those poor battery hens that are dead basically from the moment they are born. How about creamy mac and cheese made with real cow’s milk, pulled painfully from their sore and tender udders, infused with antibiotics, pain and anguish?
Who am I to take food from the mouths of starving rabbits?