I love Gilbert Gottfried

By now, everyone has heard that Gilbert Gottfried was fired from his Aflac voiceover gig due to his tweets on the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami. Were his jokes in poor taste? Yes, of course they were. That’s what Gilbert Gottfried does- he’s been doing...

Hey, Noodle Boy!

I was at the Ice House in Pasadena again on Friday night, and there was a problematic audience member. I was up 4th on the show, and he had been interrupting every comedian before me. I dealt with it fine, and it didn’t bother me too much, even though he never...

Only One Explanation…

As I was driving to the freeway today to go hang with Stephen Kramer Glickman on the set of Big Time Rush, I saw this guy:That’s a man wearing a confederate flag helmet driving a scooter, with a chainsaw in a milk crate on the back. There can be only one...