
Well, this sucks- Kim Ng is leaving the Dodgers. She’s been the best thing in our front office for years, and I was hoping that as soon as the McCourts go fully bankrupt and sell the team, that the new owner would make her the GM. Can’t say I blame her,...

Well directed crap is still crap.

In short, skip The Adjustment Bureau.  While the effects are cool, and the effects look great, nothing in the movie makes any sense.  We’re supposed to believe that Matt Damon is willing to throw away being president and changing the world for Emily...


OK, I’m launching this site, despite not having all of my content online yet, because, hey, that’s what I feel like doing. My videos, press kit, and schedule will be up soon.  In the meantime, enjoy my photo gallery and contact information.  Yes,...

I saw a picture of the giant Jebus statue in Rio being struck by lightning on the news and thought it was odd, but then when I Googled it, I found that it’s not all that uncommon. Apparently Thor doesn’t like Jebus.