Funny story- my old roommate (and friend since Jr. High School) curently attends Fresno State University. I’ve known him for 20 years. He’s got a 22 year old girlfriend that goes to San Jose State. I was browsing their profiles, and I saw a...

This dude is almost the opposite of me- fat and in a frat, yet still named Matt.

When there’s no more room in hell…the dead will walk the earth. And now on DVD, the best movie of the past 5 years or so.

You would think that in my 31 years on this planet I would have had time to figure out women, but all I’ve figured out is that none of them make any sense.

OK, I found a few embarrasing old pictures on the web of me, so I grabbed ’em and put them here for your enjoyment:These are from my days with the Carnegie Mellon University Pipes and Drums. The first two are from the Ligonier Highland Games, and the last was a...