OK, the new Static-X DVD is even better than the CD it comes with. Outstanding. I can’t wait to see their next show. I got to do crowd warm-up work with Dante Thursday night on the film Sueno starring John Leguizamo and Elizabeth Pena. It was a lot of fun, and I...

I choked, that’s the bottom line. That’s all I’ve got right now. -Kerry Wood. Uhhh, yeah, you did, but that goes along with being probably the most overrated young pitcher in baseball. Prior is the real deal- but Wood just walks too many people....

Well, the Cubs choked, and they’re going to blame some fan who didn’t even do anything wrong. I just wonder which will be higher- damage (in millions) or deathtoll in the impending riot?

Never go to Gambia. This is why the UK is our greatest ally. I wish that was going on here so I could go wave fish and chips at him, too.

Well, Pedro Martinez throwing Don Zimmer to the ground was the highlight of my weekend. That, and I just got the new album from Static-X (Shadowzone). It’s really good- run out and get it now. Also, I’ve been listening to Dirty Deeds from AC/DC a lot...