by funnymatt | Oct 13, 2012 | avatar, Uncategorized
It’s no secret that I love Avatar. I do a bit about it, I saw it in the theater a few times, and bought a Blu-Ray player just for that movie. Now it’s available in 3D, but I don’t own a 3D TV. I would buy one, but my bank account doesn’t seem...
by funnymatt | Oct 1, 2011 | avatar, michelle rodriguez, Uncategorized
As you all know, I love the movie Avatar. I bought a Blu-Ray player just so I could see it in high definition at home. I saw it at the Cinerama Dome when it was re-released with 5 extra minutes of footage, and I almost bought a 3D TV just so I could watch it in 3D at...
by funnymatt | Jun 24, 2011 | avatar, comedians, Uncategorized
Everyone that knows me knows that I loved the movie Avatar. It’s the reason I got a Blue Ray player, I have jokes about it in my act, and I even made the photo you see below (yeah, I’m a nerd, don’t act surprised).Avatar was a fantastic movie-...