by funnymatt | May 26, 2016 | commercial, engrish, racist, Uncategorized
You can see a lot of weird videos on YouTube. Some of the weirdest are foreign commercials. Presented without delay.. First, a racist commercial from China But is it actually racist, or just blatant copyright violation? And here’s one that I...
by funnymatt | Mar 5, 2016 | commercial, Uncategorized
Watch this. Now watch this. I have so many questions: Which one came first? Was there a meeting where someone said, “Hey, we have a white version, why don’t we make a black version?” How much of the animation did they keep from one to the other, and...
by funnymatt | Jun 7, 2012 | commercial, stupid people, Uncategorized
I’ve noticed that the commercial below has been altered in the version I’ve seen on TV lately. First, the commercial as it originally aired.So, were you offended by anything in that? Was there anything that glamorized inappropriate behavior? Do you feel...
by funnymatt | Jun 1, 2012 | commercial, racist, Uncategorized
I saw this commercial today, and really, they should just say “End Laundry Segregation!” That’s what comes to mind when they imply that you no longer need to separate whites and colors. I believe in laundry equality, and always wash things...