by funnymatt | Jul 3, 2011 | dodgers, sports, Uncategorized
In case you were wondering why so many Dodger fans are disgusted with the current owners of the team, this article is a pretty good rundown of what they’ve done wrong.This is the first year in the past three decades where I will not attend a major league...
by funnymatt | Apr 22, 2011 | dodgers, Uncategorized
If the Dodgers weren’t such a mess, Kim Ng never would have left in the first place. Now that baseball needs a trustee to run the team, I can think of no one better suited for the job. She knows the organization, has the respect of MLB officials, and can turn...
by funnymatt | Mar 8, 2011 | dodgers, Uncategorized
Well, this sucks- Kim Ng is leaving the Dodgers. She’s been the best thing in our front office for years, and I was hoping that as soon as the McCourts go fully bankrupt and sell the team, that the new owner would make her the GM. Can’t say I blame her,...