by funnymatt | Sep 3, 2005 | Uncategorized
Don’t F with Austria.
by funnymatt | Aug 25, 2005 | Uncategorized
I don’t know what they were on when they made this, but it’s pretty cool.
by funnymatt | Aug 20, 2005 | Uncategorized
Hmmm- how cheap do you have to be…..?
by funnymatt | Aug 15, 2005 | Uncategorized
What do you get for the man that has everything? I think this is a good option. If I had that kind of $$$ I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Maybe I’ll be Pogo the clown for Halloween this year. Do you think that guy knows that John Wayne Gacy, possibly the...
by funnymatt | Jul 29, 2005 | Uncategorized
The fact that he’s from the University of Spoiled Children makes this even funnier.
by funnymatt | Jul 26, 2005 | Uncategorized
I may be bored with E-bay, but this site could get me back into online auctions.