
I’ve stumbled across a Lingerie Football League game or two on TV, and of course I tuned in to see what was going on.  It’s basically crappy arena style football being played by washed up strippers wearing things that AREN’T LINGERIE....

And then there’s Maude!

I’ve been watching a lot of Maude lately, because it comes on at a convenient time, it has a great theme song, and well, it holds up rather well considering it’s almost 40 years ago that it was made. Sadly, much of what was done then could NEVER be done on...

No Mirrors, No Problem

I saw this article today about a woman that is eschewing mirrors for a year, 6 months of which leads up to her wedding. Knowing that she will want to look her best as a bride, I’m willing to help- my offer will follow this brief excerpt: “I picked out my...