Nerd Alert!

OK, this post is just for nerds; specifically nerds that have an ASUS EeePC 900A that they want to flash the BIOS on. I’m only posting this so that if they run a Google search for tips on how to do this, I can save them from some of the problems I ran into....


You may or may not know about a cool website called Basically, you go to the site, and you can either offer your services or buy the services of others. Here’s the catch- everything is $5. So you can find people willing to do some odd things (i.e....

Limitless = BADASS

I don’t like most movies I see. When it comes to movies, I’m kind of like Mikey in those Life Cereal commercials. I hate everything.One of my big pet peeves from a movie is when it asks me to continually ignore what I would do if I were faced with the...

What the Filk?

Well, it seems we’re faced with the biggest nuclear crisis the world has seen since George W Bush tried and failed to properly pronounce the word for the 12,000th time. Sure, it’s a bad situation. And it sucks if you live in the immediate area, but anyone...