I’ve been asked recently by two people what it takes to get hired in radio, so I thought I’d post this here in case anyone has the same questions.This is all my own opinions, and your mileage may vary. So take everything I say with a grain of salt. Also,...

No one cares about this unless they are from Ridgecrest. But if this is the kind of stuff that goes on there, it must be a crappy place to live. Sorry Dante…

Just because Chris Rock said it, doesn’t mean you can say it. Gotta love redneck quotes. Larry Cochell needs to keep his yap shut and just manage his team, or he’ll end up saying someting as stupid as Reggie White.

Most recent random celebrity sighting at the Rainbow Room- Mellow Man Ace. He had a big ass hit in the 80s, and was a really nice guy in person. B-Real from Cypress Hill was there too. A quick Prius update- after 43174 miles, my lifetime MPG is 49.9. Assuming 13 MPG...

So the kid from Ladybugs offed himself, and some daughter from Family Matters was in porn. I love the stuff you can find out on the web.