Rape Sucks. So Does Libel.

Trigger warning- common sense, cogent arguments, and all around awesomeness. There is a lot of talk on the Internet these days about “rape culture” and whether certain things are off limits for inclusion in humor or other forms of entertainment. Some...

Twitter Troll

I know, I know, I haven’t been blogging much lately. I’m busy, and I tweet most of my thoughts before they get to blog form anyway. Speaking of me tweeting, I’ve compiled some of my best tweets and put them in an e-book that you can get for the low...

Mustang Sally

On January 28th, 1986, the Challenger exploded, which was when I really learned about the feeling of shared grief. As a 6th grader that wanted to be an astronaut and had seen the Space Shuttle land in person, I was deeply saddened by this event. I’ll never...