Ahh, another fine set at the Un-Urban tonight. You know, some people might not like waiting two hours to get 6 minutes of stage time in front of an unappreciative audience, but not me. I’m a glutton for punishment. 😉 Besides, by hanging out I got invited to a...

Well, as expected I got NO laughs at Amagi’s- but then, I don’t think anyone did while I was there. Sometimes I wonder about the usefulness of open mic shows where the only people there are other open mic comics who never laugh at anything. Oh, last night...

The roast of Dante went well last night- headlining the stand-up portion was Joey Medina, one of the Original Latin Kings of Comedy currently airing on Showtime. Also roasting Dante were Dixon Matthews, Ken Pringle (head honcho at Chucklemonkey), Fred Burns, Anthony...

Who is this chick? And why is it that she is the person companies ALWAYS use when they want to show their customer service department? I’ve worked at companies with phone support departments- she’s 100 times hotter than any chick who’s ever had that...

This is a great site: For Me to Poop On! It’s always fun to do things like this to a former employer. Hmm, this should be a good way to start off roasting Dante…