Stock market investors are morons

The people that are super excited about the IPO of Linked-In are probably the ones that have pumped up Apple stock to the point where it’s worth more than Microsoft and Intel combined. Never mind the fact that they generate far more revenue and have much larger...

Around the world in 80 disasters

If- or rather, when, something bad happens to this family at sea, it will not be a tragedy, and I really hope we don’t waste the time of our rescue crews and/or military. I predict a capsizing or two, perhaps a pirate attack, or at least some severe...

What a bunch of jackasses

How is Ben Shapiro complaining about the content of Sesame Street when he’s is among the gayest pundits I’ve ever seen on TV? Seriously, he makes George Takei look straight.This panel doesn’t seem to understand that the reason Hollywood puts out...

Only if you paid me to…

For quite some time I’ve thought of most new music as crap to which I would never listen. I know that makes me sound like my father, but we all get to that point eventually. More than once I’ve said, “Lady Gaga? I’d only buy her album if they...