I saw a picture of the giant Jebus statue in Rio being struck by lightning on the news and thought it was odd, but then when I Googled it, I found that it’s not all that uncommon. Apparently Thor doesn’t like Jebus.

If you haven’t read part one of this list, go read it now to get my criteria. Before I start on numbers 20-11, I have a few comments on the state of game shows today. Bob Saget did a great job last night on 1 vs. 100- that’s going to be a great show, I can...

As anyone who knows me well can attest to, I’m a HUGE fan of game shows. I will watch pretty much any game show that is on the air, and have recently begun watching Chain Reaction on the Game Show Network. The show itself is great (save for the retarded...

Funny story- I went to a birthday party for a somewhat distant relative this weekend. My grandmother’s cousin’s wife turned 80, so we went to the home of my grandmother’s cousin’s daughter for the celebration. So while I’m there, in...

OK, I haven’t blogged in far too long. To make amends, here is my comprehensive list of the 10 coolest characters in movie history:10) PinheadSure, lots of people will say that Jason, Freddy, Leatherface, Mike Myers, or even Chuckie are cooler. Well, they are...