I got this in my e-mail this morning:Subject: i love matt walkerBody: my boyfriend is called matt walker and i love him, thought i’d let you knowhe likes carrots as well Glad to see that there’s probably a 14 year old Matt Walker getting laid out there.Oh,...

OK, stop whatever you’re doing- Go here now and listen to the 3rd song in the downloads section. I’m speechless.

Wow, I wonder what kind of customers they’re trying to get over at Target…

Well, as anyone that saw Beyond the Mat knows, it’s tough to feed a snake when you’re a crackhead. I wonder if this was Allegra’s date?And this lion is my new hero. Can we bring back the whole feeding evangelical christians to lions thing? There are...

I just went to Norm’s since it’s late and I was hungry. Right after they seated me, some woman started screaming at the waitress and they had to call the cops to escort her out. I guess she had been ther ewith her party for about 30 minutes and no one had...