The NFL sucks

By saying that I don’t mean that football sucks, or that the games suck, I mean that the league and its policies suck. Especially Roger Goodell (pictured), the commissioner and executive in charge of screwing over the fans at every opportunity. It’s 4 AM,...

Clichés and Aliens

That title could also be Cowboys and Clichés. Actually, Clichés and Clichés would be the most accurate. I was excited to see Cowboys and Aliens, but it made me realize that not every cool comic book should be made into a movie. It plays out as if they didn’t...

Iron Bowl in Irons

Well, if these persons were smart they probably would have paid their child support to begin with. The added sting of the realization that they weren’t getting tickets makes this even better than if they had been swarmed as soon as they showed up.