The NFL sucks

By saying that I don’t mean that football sucks, or that the games suck, I mean that the league and its policies suck. Especially Roger Goodell (pictured), the commissioner and executive in charge of screwing over the fans at every opportunity. It’s 4 AM,...

Red Dead Whining Kid

I just finished Red Dead Redemption and recently finished L.A. Noire from Rockstar Games; if you haven’t played either of those yet and still want to, stop reading now- this whole post is a spoiler. For those of you that are still reading, allow me to say that I...

Bite me, UPS

This is the reason I won’t be playing LA Noire tonight. What can brown do for me? Apparently make me more productive today, since I won’t be playing the game I’ve been salivating over for months. Fix your stupid airplanes, my videogaming pleasure...