Irvine Improv Tonight

I just got added to the lineup for tonight’s 10 PM show at the Irvine Improv. Come on down!Here’s the address in case you’re too lazy to look it up yourself:71 Fortune Dr.Irvine, CA 91618

Frank McCourt is a Disgrace

In case you were wondering why so many Dodger fans are disgusted with the current owners of the team, this article is a pretty good rundown of what they’ve done wrong.This is the first year in the past three decades where I will not attend a major league...

Louis C.K. vs. Matt Walker

OK, I’ve often been told that I look much like Louis C.K., and I agree. Since he’s one of the comedians I most admire, I’m sure that we have more in common than just our handsome faces. (OK, feel free to disagree, but remember, if you do you’re...


Everyone that knows me knows that I loved the movie Avatar. It’s the reason I got a Blue Ray player, I have jokes about it in my act, and I even made the photo you see below (yeah, I’m a nerd, don’t act surprised).Avatar was a fantastic movie-...