A Fool and his Money…

…is more than the start to a wise adage, it’s the name of a videogame for which I’ve been waiting 19 years to play. It’s seen more delays than even Duke Nukem Forever, but good news- the end is in sight. December 5th marks the date on which it...

Finish Him!

The original Mortal Kombat was a fantastic game- it took the 2D one-on-one fighting found in games like Street Fighter and King of Fighters, and added digitized actors (as seen in Atari’s earlier Pit Fighter) to up the cool factor. The other things that put it...

Kim Ng For President! (of the Dodgers)

If the Dodgers weren’t such a mess, Kim Ng never would have left in the first place. Now that baseball needs a trustee to run the team, I can think of no one better suited for the job. She knows the organization, has the respect of MLB officials, and can turn...