No Mirrors, No Problem

I saw this article today about a woman that is eschewing mirrors for a year, 6 months of which leads up to her wedding. Knowing that she will want to look her best as a bride, I’m willing to help- my offer will follow this brief excerpt: “I picked out my...

The NFL sucks

By saying that I don’t mean that football sucks, or that the games suck, I mean that the league and its policies suck. Especially Roger Goodell (pictured), the commissioner and executive in charge of screwing over the fans at every opportunity. It’s 4 AM,...

Clichés and Aliens

That title could also be Cowboys and Clichés. Actually, Clichés and Clichés would be the most accurate. I was excited to see Cowboys and Aliens, but it made me realize that not every cool comic book should be made into a movie. It plays out as if they didn’t...