Imagine Al Davis doing this to Tim Tebow…

NASCAR Races = Boring. NASCAR after races = interesting. Here’s an excerpt from an article on was found solely at fault for the incident at Kansas Speedway, where he apparently approached Busch after the race, placed him in a headlock, and...

New Books

I just wrote a few new instructional books. Please let me know if you’re interested in any of them.This book will teach you everything you need to know, from the proper insults to use towards fans of other teams to what objects make the best projectiles when...


That’s what you’ll hear cried all across the state of Alaska when chopping down the trees necessary to release Sarah Palin’s e-mails from her time as governor of Alaska. Because, you know, it’s not like these messages originated electronically,...

Stock market investors are morons

The people that are super excited about the IPO of Linked-In are probably the ones that have pumped up Apple stock to the point where it’s worth more than Microsoft and Intel combined. Never mind the fact that they generate far more revenue and have much larger...