Is TV too gay?

This is an interesting debate between a moron that doesn’t understand statistics, and a man that is remarkably restrained considering what’s being said. The idiot reporter implying that there is something harmful about gay characters on TV just goes to...

Facebook, the writing is on the wall

Here an excerpt from an interesting article:Reporters at USA Today and The Daily Beast busted Facebook for hiring a PR firm to spread negative stories about Google to the media.Seeing stories such as this, it really makes me think that Facebook knows the writing is on...

Thor is a Bore

I’m convinced that Natalie Portman either cannot read, or refuses to do so, since it seems that instead of reading scripts, she’ll take any movie she’s offered these days. If I wasn’t a Star Wars fanboy, I’d say that the last good movie...

Japan has better TV than we do

When I went to China back in 2004, I remember the TV shows on the flight were amazing. It was all Japanese television, which is a treat. One was a reality show that had a translated title of something along the lines of I Can Do It. Basically, they took a 4 year old...